Coffee with the pigeons

It’s an early winter morning in the beautiful city of Barcelona… Wait, who am I lying to? It’s not an early winter morning…. it’s a beautiful late morning on a winter day in Barcelona…


And of course, I’ve ordered a café con leche! As I sit on my chair on the terrace of this wonderful coffee shop, I can’t help but to notice the amount of pigeons in this city! As muse over the beautiful scenery… which is nothing special, but if you come from a very small town in Wisconsin where the winters are almost unbearable to even walk to your car and back, this winter scenery seems strangely peculiar and wonderful.Just being able to sit on a terrace, and drink your coffee without freezing… ahhhhhh… perfection! The pigeons are flying all over the place, trying to find food… and they just seem so free… They can just move whenever they want, they can get up and fly at any point, they can literally do whatever they want whenever they want…

I can’t help to think of my own life, and my own goals and those things that tie me and those that make me free…. You see, I came to Spain with a dream, my dream was to teach English (or really do anything at that point) but to be free, not to be tied to anything, to be able to do as pigeons do, and just get up and move when I needed it or wanted it… It’s been a long journey from the moment I stepped my first foot into this beatiful country that now I call my home…I had a rough start though…many unexpected things… I moved 7 times in about 9 months…. I promise I’m not a horrible roommate but shit happened…And as I sat there and watched the pigeons move around to find a better spot when the one that they were in, no longer worked, I thought of myself, and the amount of times I had to get up and move, because the place or situation was no longer working for me.I once envied those pigeons, but no longer do, because I’m like them… I am now in the same position, I’ve learned that when something doesn’t work, for you anymore, you have to let it go instead of trying to make it work.I guess by now you’re wondering what the point of this post is… Well, here it is:Fight for what you want with every cell in your body, sure, sometimes you get tired of fighting and don’t seem to see the results but… Walk away from any situation or places that threaten your wellbeing, where you feel like you’re not able to be yourself Don’t stop fighting and learning… Life is about the journey and coffee with the pigeons or coffee with the snow… And life is the journey and you are the only person who gets to decide where that journey takes you…Don’t give up just yet… Hang on a little longer… Just one more step, because every step, even the smallest one, will take you closer than you were before…”For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” By Mary Kay Ash

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